Instrucciones de montaje y uso
Contenedores y contenedores de basura
Fact sheet 2023-10 “Application of MB containers”200102 FAQ “Thermal insulation set”Climate Test ISO Box10239_MBD43271_report_20230922_BITO_IceCatch_Thermoisolierset.pdf10239_MBD64271_report_20230922_BITO_IceCatch_Thermoisolierset.pdf12247_MBD43271_report_20240426_BITO_Thermoisolierset.pdf12247_MBD64271_report_20240426_BITO_Thermoisolierset.pdf
Estanterías de palés
Sistema de almacenamiento dinámico en palés
Estanterías de autoservicio
Estantería sin tornillos
Boltless shelving group A, type EL, L and S / Office and archive shelvingBoltless shelving group B, shelving with inclined shelf levels / Small parts racks for C-items / Tyre racks / Bin shelving / Wide span shelvingSupply shelving BGS and BSS, with/without bracing and stiffening beams / Shelving variants for single or double deep storage / Inclined shelf levels / Straight shelf levelsMobile shelvingMobile bin rack SDS-TBin trolleys
Sistema de almacenamiento en vivo de cajas
Carton live storage racking SDS 16377Flow shelf option #1, type D, straight with PT profiles Flow shelf option #2, type D, straight with C profilesFlow shelf option #3, type DGA, straight with inclined picking tray, with PT profiles Flow shelf option #4, type DGA, straight with inclined picking tray, with C profilesFlow shelf option #5, type DA, angled, with PT profilesFlow shelf option #6, type DA, angled, with C profiles