BITO Cantilever racking

Ver­sa­tile and budget friendly stor­age so­lu­tion for long loads

  • Cantilever racking is an optimal and inexpensive solution if you want to store or provide long and heavy goods such as rods, tubes, sheet material or hose and cable reels in a vertical or horizontal position where they are always within easy reach.
  • The BITO range includes various cantilever racking types (L, S, ES) with different load capacities and for single and double-sided use. Type ES cantilever racking has been designed for very heavy long loads, type L and S are suitable for light to medium-weight long goods.
  • BITO Cantilever racking adapts perfectly to your available storage area or storage space. The indoor variant is available with an epoxy-coated or painted finish. Outdoor cantilever racking is supplied with a hot-dip galvanised finish.

BITO Cantilever racking

A range of styles for storing various types of long goods

Cantilever racking mainly consists of uprights with horizontal feet for safe positioning on the floor and vertically adjustable cantilever arms. The cantilever arms are slotted into the uprights and are a safe support for long loads. The racking is reinforced using diagonal braces. With its relatively simple design and low level of investment, cantilever racking is popular in all industries. BITO provides racks with different load capacities, for single-sided and double-sided use and for installation in indoor and covered outdoor areas. Cantilever racking is also available with shelf levels for storing small parts containers, with tubular cantilever arms for coils and with divider bars for the vertical storage of long goods. Cantilever racking from BITO is manufactured from top-quality materials. The uprights and cantilever arms of our bolted heavy-duty cantilever racking type ES are made from IPE profiles. Cantilever racking type L and S for light-weight and medium weight goods are assembled without bolts. Only the uprights are made of IPE profiles.

Sturdy IPE profiles for strength

IPE profiles are medium-width L-shaped profiles with parallel inner flange surfaces. They are sometimes also referred to as double T-girders. These steel girders are strong and rigid, prefabricated semi-finished products that are often used in steel construction or hall construction. BITO ES cantilever racking for extra-heavy loads is made from IPE profiles 180/200 for the uprights and IPE profiles 80 for the cantilever arms. For example, IPE 180 means that the profile is 180 mm high. Cantilever racking type L features uprights made from IPE profiles 100 or 120, type S racking from IPE profiles 140.

Slot-in or bolt-on assembly

Depending on the load capacity, cantilever racking is assembled with or without bolts. Type L and S cantilever racking without level decking as well as type L cantilever racking with inclined shelf levels or with tubular arms can be assembled without bolts. Arms and shelf levels can be adjusted with the required spacing. Only heavy-duty cantilever racking type ES is bolted. ES cantilever racking has a modular design. Components for indoor use are epoxy-coated, components for outdoor use are hot-dip galvanised.

Advantages and benefits

Efficient storage

BITO products ensure optimum space utilisation.


The modular design enables easy adaptation to individual requirements.

Top quality

BITO products are known for their durability and sturdiness.


BITO products help to improve workplace ergonomics.


BITO products are safe and comply with all relevant safety standards.

Space-efficient solution

BITO products help to reduce the amount of storage space required.

Warehouse management system

BITO products help to improve warehouse operations and organisation.

Saving time and money

Maximising storage capacity will save you time and money.

Broad product range

BITO offers a large selection of products for a wide range of applications.

Customer support

BITO offers a comprehensive range of services from advice and planning to assembly and maintenance.

Safe storage of long loads and bulky items

Ideal for storing pipes, rods, timber beams and other long loads.

Fast access

Stored items are in easy access.

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