BITO Pallet racking

Great versatility with excellent quality

  • Conventional or selective pallet racking is a widely used and particularly versatile solution for storing palletised loads of different sizes and weights. It provides direct and easy access to all pallets in stock.
  • Standard BITO pallet racking has galvanised uprights with RAL5010 blue beams
  • Wide aisle pallet racking, which can be operated with any standard industrial truck, is the most commonly used variant. Narrow-aisle warehouses offer a high level of space utilisation, but must be operated with special narrow-aisle forklift trucks.

BITO Pallet racking – direct access to all goods

BITO offers high quality pallet racking in all designs, sizes and load capacities.

Cost-efficiency and operational flexibility

Conventional pallet racking is widely used in all industries for its low investment requirements and great versatility. One of the most important reasons for choosing conventional pallet racking is that goods are directly accessible. In single-deep selective pallet racking, pallet loads can be accessed without having to move other pallets. All product lines and load carrier types can be easily stored, even those with a large weight and format. The racking layout can be easily modified and extended. Pallet racking also offers the option of picking individual items straight from the pallet, for example by integrating flow lanes at floor level height. 

Wide-aisle and narrow-aisle pallet racking

Many companies opt for conventional pallet racking with wide aisles because all standard forklift types and industrial trucks can be used. This means there is no need to invest in new industrial trucks. High-bay pallet stores with narrow aisles are ideal for optimising space utilisation. However, special narrow-aisle trucks such as reach trucks, high-bay stackers and order-picking trucks must be used. This often requires major investments in new service vehicles. Storing more products on the same footprint means that building extensions and new buildings can be avoided, both of which are significantly more expensive. Service vehicles in narrow-aisle warehouses are usually guided, either mechanically or inductively. Narrow-aisle warehouses offer greater security as access is limited to specialist handling vehicles operating with rail or wire guidance systems.

Advantages and benefits

Efficient storage

BITO products ensure optimum space utilisation.


The modular design enables easy adaptation to individual requirements.

Top quality

BITO products are known for their durability and sturdiness.


BITO products help to improve workplace ergonomics.


BITO products are safe and comply with all relevant safety standards.

Space-efficient solution

BITO products help to reduce the amount of storage space required.

Warehouse management system

BITO products help to improve warehouse operations and organisation.

Saving time and money

Maximising storage capacity will save you time and money.

Broad product range

BITO offers a large selection of products for a wide range of applications.

Customer support

BITO offers a comprehensive range of services from advice and planning to assembly and maintenance.

Direct access

Each pallet position can be easily accessed, making order picking and warehouse management easier.

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