5 innovative logistics solutions
Globalisation, digitalisation and the increasing desire for individuality are constantly posing new challenges to the companies of our time.

Globalisation, digitalisation and the increasing desire for individuality are constantly posing new challenges to the companies of our time. Ideally, customers want their goods as quickly as possible, if not immediately. This leads to massive competitive pressure in all sectors, because any competitor is always faster. The logistics sector is particularly affected by speed pressure, as it also has to deal with aspects such as environmental compatibility and resource conservation - requirements that can place a heavy burden on a company.
Key factor logistics department
No matter whether it's about flows of goods, infrastructure or mobility, logistics plays a key role in all areas. It plays a decisive role in how quickly a company ships its goods, how efficiently warehouse work and delivery processes are carried out and how satisfied customers are. Due to globalization and increasing digitalization, many logistics companies are confronted with a changed value chain, new competence requirements and new business models.
1. invest in low-emission vehicles in good time
The fact that Germany wants to drastically reduce its CO2 emissions by the year 2050 is no longer a secret. E-mobility is becoming more and more the dominant topic and not only the automotive industry is constantly working on the development of new technologies for climate-neutral mobility. Some logistics companies are also already interested in making their vehicle fleets and the transport of goods as climate-friendly as possible. When it comes to innovative logistics solutions, they are well on the way to a successful future.
This also includes a general overhaul of the entire "hardware" used in a warehouse. Because - this much is certain - trucks, ships, rail traffic and airplanes are among the main sources of greenhouse gases. And this is exactly what will sooner or later become their downfall. The introduction of environmental zones and the diesel scandal have already shown how much such changes and incidents can affect even small businesses. So those who focus their logistics solutions towards environmentally friendly and emission-free technologies at an early stage can avert a nasty surprise in advance.
2. incorporate Big Data into the strategy
The logistics department is the heart of every company that distributes goods. It is the link between producer and consumer. This is where the speed with which the goods reach the customer and the efficiency of the logistics processes within a company are decisive. At the same time, the logistics department is extremely prone to errors. Many errors can occur during order picking, delivery times or simply during the storage of goods - but these can be avoided with the right logistics solutions. In any case, this includes the implementation of a suitable digitisation strategy as well as working with Big Data.
On the one hand, this concerns the handling of the vehicle fleet. Many companies do not use them efficiently, which has an impact on working and delivery times and overall costs. Data-based goods distribution is a helpful logistics solution here. It ensures that means of transport are optimally adapted to the conditions of a warehouse and the goods to be transported. On the other hand, the topics of digitization and big data are aimed at networking all departments of a company. The more technology and logistics interlock at this point, the more efficiently the entire company can work.
This is aimed in particular at the ERP systems used by a company. These are designed to ensure smooth and efficient materials management. Only if all data collected and stored without gaps is used correctly, goods can be at the right place at the right time and in the right quantity. And this is exactly what is decisive for fast and efficient work in the warehouse. The faster all logistics processes run and the more closely they are interlinked, the higher the productivity of the entire company.
3. digitize and modernize the supply chain
What is certain is that efficient and sustainable logistics are inextricably linked with digitalization and industry 4.0. It is the task of companies to apply innovative logistics solutions in order to meet the requirements of customers and competitors. This applies in particular to the organisation of supply chains. The more precisely these are organized and documented, the smoother the logistical processes function. In this case, it makes sense to rely on tailor-made software solutions that enable a seamless link between warehouse management and warehouse employees. A recommendable logistics solution in this context is also the structuring of a warehouse with barcodes. These ensure that logistical processes are accelerated and that storage locations are coded. In addition, employees can quickly check whether they are in the right storage location for the right product. This promotes the smooth running of all work in the warehouse.
Transparency also plays an important role in the digitization and modernization of supply chains. Only if information reaches all responsible employees without errors and obstacles is efficient logistical work possible. It offers the opportunity to rely on individual localization technologies, special sensor technology for monitoring supply chains and mobile data access for employees. With such innovative logistics solutions, logistics can always fulfil its role as the link between producer and consumer.
4. prefer individual warehouse design
At the same time, the constantly changing markets are associated with their instability. The lifecycles of products and services are becoming shorter and shorter, while customer requirements are increasing at the same time. However, these are changing so rapidly that companies are hardly able to adapt their offerings and logistics processes any more. Therefore, it is essential to invest with foresight in innovative logistics solutions. This applies in particular to the spatial and infrastructural design of sites and warehouses. Those who rely on rapid changeability here can gain a great advantage over the competition. In order to make optimum use of all the potential of a warehouse, it is advisable to work with self-controlling technologies that are designed to adapt logistics systems efficiently and in line with requirements.
5. automate intralogistics
Automation and Industry 4.0 have long since arrived in intralogistics as well. Driverless transport control systems (AGVs), drones and robots already relieve warehouse employees of everyday work processes. FTS in particular are proving to be an innovative logistics solution that has the best prerequisites for converting a company's intralogistics for a digital future. With FTS, the number of empty and wrong runs can be massively reduced because the vehicles automatically drive to the right shelf. While many intralogistics warehouses today still rely on industrial trucks such as forklifts, whose drivers drive on sight and on call, AGVs follow an automatically programmed path. Bottlenecks, collisions or other obstacles in the workflow can thus be almost completely eliminated. This makes the entire intralogistics of a company faster and more efficient.
However, who ultimately decides on the success (or failure) of a company is the customer. That is why it is particularly important to invest enough time and effort in communicating with them. The main thing here is to process your orders quickly and accurately. What matters is far-sighted planning and regular checks of stock levels. This avoids bottlenecks with regard to the goods. This in turn has a direct effect on delivery times. The better they are controlled and documented, the easier it is to avoid delivery delays, dissatisfied customers and rising costs for a company. A regular survey of customers can also help to determine their needs even more precisely and to convince them with more individual offers.
In summary, it is clear that digital and connected working, clear internal and external communication as well as strong customer loyalty play a decisive role in the success of a company. Supported by innovative logistics solutions, they can make any company fit for a successful future - an investment that pays off in the long term.