Container recycling: sustainability as the key to a green future

Plastic container recycling offers many benefits such as waste reduction, conservation of natural resources, energy savings, greenhouse gas and CO2 reductions and the promotion of the circular economy.

The mechanical recycling of plastic containers plays a crucial role in protecting the environment and promoting sustainable development. With growing concerns about the environmental impact of plastic waste and its accumulation in oceans, landfills and the environment as a whole, plastic container recycling offers many significant benefits such as reducing waste and landfill pollution, conserving natural resources, saving energy, reducing greenhouse gases and CO2, reducing pollution and promoting the circular economy. The green future is therefore promoted by container recycling.

Conserving resources by reusing containers

Reusable plastic containers offer huge advantages over single-use containers. However, when using reusable containers, it is essential to ensure that the recycling cycle - as is the case with BITO reusable containers - really does run smoothly at the end of the container's life cycle. BITO-Boxes MB are made of environmentally friendly, recyclable PP granulate. At the end of their useful life, they do not generate any waste, but can be melted down and remanufactured. Thanks to the use of high-quality, recyclable material, the boxes enable effective reusable and deposit systems. They are characterised by extreme durability, and BITO offers a five-year warranty on every box. The reusable container can be reused up to 300 times, saving 90,000 single-use packs. The containers are part of a closed cycle. On request, we can also use recycled plastics from the German Dual System (DSD, Der Grüne Punkt, Gelbe Tonne), which increases the proportion of recycled plastic waste. With BITO containers, you promote particularly environmentally friendly upcycling, conserve resources, save energy and waste, reduce the CO2 footprint and also save costs.

Waste reduction and landfill relief through recycling

A large amount of waste is saved by recycling the plastic containers and using regranulate. The containers are ground down for reuse and the paint is treated specifically. However, the separation, cleaning and recycling of plastic is challenging when different types of plastic are used. It is better to use pure regrind. BITO makes it possible to process old storage and transport containers into unmixed regrind. The regrind has particle sizes between two and five millimetres and may contain dust particles. New containers are produced from this regrind. BITO offers a fee for recycling the storage and transport containers or offsets this against the order for new containers. Regranulation gives customers the flexibility to adapt to market requirements or switch to new suppliers or systems without having to worry about compatibility problems.

Effects of container recycling on CO2 emissions

The recycling of containers has a significant impact on the reduction of CO2 emissions and therefore makes a major contribution to environmental protection. By reusing and recycling materials instead of extracting and processing new raw materials such as oil, less energy is consumed. The production of new materials, especially from primary raw materials, is usually associated with high CO2 emissions as it often requires energy-intensive processes. In comparison, the recycling process requires significantly less energy. This leads directly to a reduction in CO2 and greenhouse gas emissions. 

Economic benefits of container recycling for companies

Companies can save costs in various ways by recycling containers. BITO reimburses old containers with a certain amount or offsets the recycling against the order of new containers. In addition, reusable containers are a much better alternative than disposable containers - and not just for environmental reasons. The BITOBOX MB can be used up to 300 times before it is ground down. This saves you constant investment in new disposable containers. Capital that you can certainly put to better use for other purposes. In addition, disposal costs for disposable containers are lower and you can comply with strict environmental regulations. Container recycling has a positive impact on your corporate image, which in turn can strengthen customer loyalty.

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