

Sus­tain­able lo­gist­ics solu­tions

  • Meeting the most demanding quality requirements
  • Durable products and sustainable solutions
  • Our product range includes multi-trip containers to replace cardboard boxes and avoid packaging waste.
A bit of Sustainability.

Our claim to quality is our answer to the question of sustainability.

BITO products are sustainable because they have been designed for a long service life and manufactured to the highest quality standards. Already when selecting the raw materials and supplies used for manufacturing our products, we pay attention to quality

Sustainable bins & containers

During their long service life, BITO bins and containers will each save tons of cardboard packaging.

Energy-efficient production and ecological alternatives to goods made from virgin plastics

As ecologically minded supplier, it is important for BITO to offer alternative products that are not made from virgin plastics, Every ton of polypropylene not produced saves 1.7to CO₂.

Bins made from a PP and sunflower seed shell compound