Pallet live storage racking maximises the storage capacity and JIT-delivery performance of a fruit and vegetable wholesaler

Our customer

ELO is based in the north-west of Lower Saxony and has been growing and marketing soft fruits and vegetables for 70 years. The company operates nationwide and also supplies wholesalers abroad (primarily Scandinavia, Eastern and Southern Europe). At present, around 100 truckloads are prepared and dispatched every day during the peak season, with Europe-wide shipments growing steadily.
Initial situation and customer requirements
- The products arrive at the plant in vegetable crates stacked on pallets and are prepared for delivery according to the FIFO principle.
- Up to 3,000 pallets are to be dispatched every day.
- An additional area of 10,000 m² for temperature-controlled storage and order picking had to be furnished.
- Just-in-time delivery with a maximum of 15 hours from order to delivery.
- Integrate an efficient system into the already existing process.
Some impressions of our customer solution
Project brief
The BITO Solution
BITO Pallet live storage system
Storage in FIFO order
Constant availability of goods
Dedicated storage positions help to improve operational efficiency.
Fast order throughput and accurate order processing
On-site application and key features of our storage solution
- The products arrive at the plant in vegetable crates stacked on pallets and are prepared for delivery according to the FIFO principle.
- Up to 3,000 pallets are to be dispatched every day.
- An additional area of 10,000 m² for temperature-controlled storage and order picking had to be furnished.
- Just-in-time delivery with a maximum of 15 hours from order to delivery.
- Integrate an efficient system into the already existing process.
Customer benefits
In what way has the BITO solution helped our customer to realise their full potential?

- Perfect overview over goods in stock
- Improved handling
- Faster and more accurate order picking
- Reduced risk of stockouts