
Carl Christensen A/S

Op­tim­ising in-house lo­gist­ics with the BITO Auto­St­ore sys­tem

Case Study

Our customer

CARL CHRISTENSEN is a traditional trading and industrial company with a strong position on the Danish market for automotive spare parts of many international brands. The company with headquarters in Aarhus/Brabrand and a division in Glostrup competes on a dynamic and competitive market. The CAC Group has an annual turnover of more than DKK 1 billion and employs approximately 650 people. The company is 100% owned by the CAC Foundation, which is a non-profit organisation. This also means that it is 100% Danish owned which is something the employees are especially proud of.

Initial situation and customer requirements

  • Move storage and transport bins stored in an AutoStore system to the shipping area
  • Ensure efficient in-house transport and guarantee a continuous flow of goods 
  • Replace the existing transport system

Some impressions of our customer solution

Project brief

The BITO Solution

LEO Locative AGVs

Two twin stations with buffer lanes

On-site application and key features of our storage solution

  • The customer now benefits from a direct connection from the AutoStore system to the goods-out area with no floor space wasted.
  • Instead of using expensive conveyor technology, Christensen has LEO vehicles moving bins and cartons around their workshop.

Customer benefits

In what way has the BITO solution helped our customer to realise their full potential?

  • LEO locative is the perfect solution for moving goods from A to B.
  • Easy set-up and control of LEO transporters.
  • High degree of flexibility
  • Cost-efficient operation

Products used

These systems are in place