
Our philo­sophy

BITO – In­nov­at­ive vis­ion­ary spir­it in­spired by tra­di­tion

A bit of Values.

Combining excellent quality and customer service with a human touch

Advancing from decorative goods to pioneering storage technology
It is quite an extraordinary story that BITO has written. In 1845, the Bittmann family started a family business producing metal ornaments and fittings for the leather goods industry. Today, BITO-Lagertechnik Bittmann GmbH is one of the leading manufacturers and suppliers of storage systems for a wide range of applications.

Since 1845, BITO has seen a unique development
In its early years, BITO started as a manufacturer of jointless thin-walled hollow brass spheres as an accessory for the jewellery and fashion industries. From1935, they produced a wide range of bulk items ranging from coffee filters to zipper chains. Fritz August Bittmann’s mother Magdalene continued to run the company with this portfolio during WWII. In 1959, Fritz August Bittmann was the fourth generation to join the company. Together with his father Fritz Bittmann, he succeeded in leading BITO into the world of material storage and handling.

BITO – Rooted in tradition, fostering innovation, valuing employees

The history of BITO is characterised by tradition, innovation and a deep appreciation for employees. Fritz August Bittmann has had a decisive influence on the company over many decades. His philosophy lives on in the corporate culture: to be an innovative pioneer in development and technology, to manufacture products of the highest precision and quality and to always offer customers added value - accompanied by a strong service ethos.

BITO continues to regard its employees as its most valuable asset. Great importance is attached to listening to each other, standing up for each other and being in good contact with each other.

Today, the steadily growing company is managed with great commitment and vision.

In 2020, BITO celebrated its 175th anniversary

BITO's 175th anniversary in 2020 is a reason for looking back and one more reason to look ahead and highlight what we stand for: So what has shaped our corporate culture?

Since BITO was founded, the Bittmann family has shaped the values and culture of our company. These values have been passed on over time. Today, they have been internalised throughout the company and among all employees. They form the basis for our daily work and are reflected in our products and our strong focus on service. They are the basis for our interaction with our customers and the reason why BITO wants to contribute to the wellbeing of our region and community.

Our values not only have a special meaning for our staff. They have also played a major role in BITO's development over the years into a fast-growing, international manufacturer and employer and in establishing the company as a successful brand.

Our values and corporate culture:

„Mutual appreciation and solidarity“:

Everyone in our company is important and has a task that contributes to the success of our company. This is very important to us. We support each other as partners, stand by each other and treat each other with respect and friendliness. This is an attitude that ensures a positive atmosphere within the company which is also carried outwards.

„Forward-looking and with a long-term perspective“:

Every day, we are aware of our responsibility towards our employees and their families. As a reliable employer, we invest in people and machines, attach great importance to training and continuing professional development, adapt to changing times, think regionally and act globally, look for new impetus and give our employees new prospects for the future.

„Social responsibility and willingness to help“:

We also see ourselves as a link within society. It is important to us that our employees enjoy various social benefits and are able to combine family, raising children and work through flexible working arrangements. We also assume social responsibility for the region by supporting various public institutions and social projects.

„Regional ties and down-to-earth interaction“:

As one of the largest employers in the region, we feel we have a major obligation. This is why we will remain firmly rooted in our region. Solid management and work as well as honest, open interaction at eye level, a down-to-earth approach and keeping processes and structures simple are important contributions to this goal.

„Innovative spirit and solution-oriented action“:

Looking ahead and daring to try something new on the basis of a long tradition and many years of experience is what characterises our way of working. We have high demands on the quality of our work and our products. We enjoy taking a fresh and creative approach to find solutions and we are happy to meet challenges. We are committed to the well-being of our employees and our customers, thereby contributing to the success of our customers. Because customer success means we are successful too.