Klinik-Apotheke Dresden
Safe shipment of pharmaceuticals in BITOBOXes MB with security seals

Our customer

The Klinik-Apotheke of the Dresden University Hospital supplies pharmaceuticals to 21 hospitals with their wards, operating theatres, outpatient departments, functional units and laboratories, 3 institutes and 8 interdisciplinary centres of the Carl Gustav Carus University Hospital at the Technical University of Dresden as well as some 15 institutes of the Medical Faculty (MF). There are also supply contracts for the provision of medicines to surrounding hospitals and rehabilitation clinics. Some of the patients at the university hospital benefit from a unit-dose system. Medications are individually formulated for each patient and delivered to the ward. This system is complemented by an on-ward pharmacist who supports physicians and nursing staff in providing optimal care for patients. Klinik-Apotheke also operates state-of-the-art facilities for the production of medicines. Over 40,000 oncological and approximately 50,000 sterile preparations as well as many other dosage forms are produced every year, both patient-related and in batches.
Initial situation and customer requirements
- Due to lack of space, the customer needed nestable containers to save on volume during empty handling.
- In compliance with the Narcotics Act, sensitive and expensive products must be protected from unauthorised access.
- The cold chain must not be interrupted for items requiring refrigeration.
- Klinik-Apotheke needed sturdy containers to cope with the large number of daily distribution cycles.
- Orders are picked with a shopping basket or a cart. Several orders are often picked simultaneously to increase efficiency. In addition, mesh-sided roll containers and conveyor technology are used. The distribution boxes therefore had to have good handling properties for transportation on conveyor belts.
- Different box sizes were required, with the preferred size being 400 x 300 mm.
Project brief
The BITO Solution
» Tamper-evident, single-use security seals MBP 1 protect contents against unauthorised access. Two seals are required per container.
» Imprinted corporate logos or messages on MB BITOBOXes enable immediate identification.
» MB BITOBOXes are made from tough and durable plastics.
»The BITOBOX MB is a nestable distribution container which is ideally suited for order picking as well as for space-saving empty storage. Fitted with a drop-on lid, the boxes can also be stacked.
» BITO MB multi-purpose distribution containers can be supplied with a modular thermal insert to create various temperature zones within the container. Cold packs keep in-box temperatures at an even level. They can also be used to subdivide the space within the box. The box inlays can be nested when not in use. Medicines and other items requiring refrigeration can therefore be shipped in vehicles without temperature control.
» MB BITOBOXes with double base stand out from competitor products for their smooth travel characteristics on conveyor systems, their dimensional stability and good cleaning properties. With only a minimal base deflection, MB containers are also suited for automated small parts storage (AS/RS) as well as for storing and transporting very heavy loads.
» MB containers are available in many footprints (L x W 300 x 200 mm, 400 x 300 mm, 600 x 400 mm, 800 x 400 mm, 800 x 600 mm) and height options.
On-site application and key features of our storage solution
- Until now, the clinic pharmacy has used a shopping basket or trolley for order picking. Orders can now be picked directly into the BITOBOX MB. Several orders are often picked simultaneously to increase efficiency. In addition, mesh-sided roll containers and conveyor technology are used.
- The BITOBOX MB is also used to deliver medicines and items to the clinics.
- MB distribution containers with thermal inserts and cold packs are used for medicines and items requiring refrigeration.
- Tamper-evident security seals reduce the risk of unauthorised access.
Customer benefits
In what way has the BITO solution helped our customer to realise their full potential?

- MBs can be used for order picking and shipping - no repacking required.
- MBP1 single-use security seals provide protection for pharmaceuticals and other products during shipment.
- Empty container nesting saves valuable space.
- MB containers are made from tough and durable plastics.
- BITO MBs with a thermal insulation set comply with the Good Distribution Practice (GDP) guidelines for medicines and items requiring refrigeration
- Imprinted corporate logos or messages enable immediate identification.